
Welcome to Sleep Dentistry

Where your smile is our priority. Our dedicated team of dental professionals is committed to providing exceptional care and personalized treatment plans. With state-of-the-art technology and a warm, friendly atmosphere, we offer a comprehensive range of dental services to ensure your oral health and confidence shine brightly.

Always welcoming new patients

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+61 (0) 48 111 9988

The practice of


Clinic Location

Westfield Carindale Shopping Centre,

Level 2/1151 Creek Rd,

Carindale QLD 4152.

What is Sleep Dentistry?

Sleep Dentistry describes a procedure where dental treatment is performed while the patient is sedated. It is called sleep dentistry because the sedative used causes patients to sleep throughout the procedure.

Sleep dentistry is the most comfortable and relaxing way to have dental treatment done. Patients sleep (are sedated) throughout the procedure and so cannot feel the treatment taking place. There is also an amnesia effect with the sedation so there is usually no memory of having the procedure done afterwards. It is like getting on a long-haul flight, falling asleep and waking up refreshed at your destination – with no memory of the flight in-between.


How does Sleep Dentistry Work?

When a patient chooses sleep dentistry for their dental procedure, we usually schedule as much treatment as possible in a single appointment. Before treatment begins, we insert an IV drip and administer a sedative which causes the patient to fully relax and fall asleep. While sedated, the patient feels no pain and is not aware of the dental treatment taking place. The sedative used is called Freesofol (more info here) and is safely used all over the world in hospitals and dental clinics.

How common is Sleep Dentistry?

Dental treatment carried out under IV sedation is becoming very popular at McIntosh Dental. We are now treating several patients per week using this technique.

How can I find out more?

We are running a short series about this in our blog. If you want to receive updates on the new articles you can subscribe there. Or give us a call on 09 837 2598 to discusss your options or contact us here.

What is it?

Sedation involves the use of a sedative agent to help maintain a calm, restful state during treatment. It is a restful procedure, but you&apso;re still conscious and able to respond to voice prompts. However many patients have no recollection of the treatment they undergo.

We offer three types of sedation to help patients feel more comfortable, in addition, local anaesthetic is also used.

Most sedation options are only available at our specialist practices, please check with your practice ahead of time on which sedation options they have available to you.

Inhalation sedation involves breathing in nitrous oxide gas to decrease pain sensitivity. It’s commonly known as ‘laughing gas’ or ‘happy gas’ to reduce anxiety.

  • Patients are conscious and able to co-operate during the procedure
  • The effects wear off very quickly after treatment
  • There are rarely any aftereffects

Oral sedation is a sedative that is administered in a tablet or liquid form. It’s usually taken an hour before your appointment at the surgery.

  • Lasts 2 to 6 hours
  • Patients usually have little memory of the treatment once completed
  • For safety reasons, patients must have somebody collect them and take them home after their appointment

Intravenous, or IV sedation, involves a small injection of a sedative into your arm. Soon after the injection you will start to feel drowsy but very relaxed.

  • The level of sedation is more predictable than oral sedation
  • Patients will remain conscious throughout the treatment but have reduced anxiety and usually have little memory of their treatment
  • For safety reasons, patients must have someone to collect them and take them home after their appointment

The Types of Sedation


Many patients prefer oral medications, as they are effective and the most cost-effective. Often provided through a prescription, the medication may be taken about an hour before the treatment begins so that it takes full effect.

Twilight or IV Sedation Dentistry is administered intravenously into the forearm or the back of the hand, and puts the patient in a deep state of relaxation. It takes time to wear off and you may need to arrange a ride home after your dental treatment.

Nitrous Oxide, or happy gas, is administered with a breathing mask just before the treatment begins. It has a quick onset and wears off just as quick, making it a preferred method for patients who need to relax, but must return to their normal routine right after.

Sleep dentistry with general anaesthesia must be arranged ahead of time and will be monitored during the entire treatment. You will need to arrange for a ride home after your treatment.

You’re in safe hands

Dr AJ Salman is a member of the New Zealand Sedation Society following the guidelines of good practice set out by this organisation.

Before your operation

  • You must ensure that you will be accompanied by a responsible adult who will escort you home after your operation and arrange for you to be looked after for the following 24 hours. Please do not bring any children with you.
  • Give us details of any changes to your medical history or daily medications.
  • Continue to take all routine medications (including inhalers) at the usual times, unless you have been specifically advised otherwise.
  • If you feel unwell before your appointment, report this to us, because illness may affect your treatment.
  • Wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothing, with sleeves which can easily be pulled up beyond your elbows.
  • Clean your teeth thoroughly before coming in for your operation.
  • Do not eat or drink anything for three hours before your appointment time. Before this, you should only have a light, non-fatty meal.
  • Do not drink alcohol on the day of your operation.

After your operation

  • Your escort should take you home by private car, rather than public transport.
  • Rest for a few hours at home and take the rest of the day quietly.
  • Eat light and easily digestible food for the rest of the day.
  • Take any medicines which have been prescribed for you.
  • For 24 hours after receiving intravenous sedation:
  • Do not drive any vehicle, operate any machinery or use any domestic appliance.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Do not return to work, make any important decisions or sign any legal documents.

Sleep Dentistry at Smile


Our dedicated general anaesthesia team consists of a Specialist Anaesthetist, a registered nurse, an experienced dentist and a senior dental assistant. All have considerable experience in caring for patients with dental phobia, ensuring dental treatment is carried out efficiently and safely.

You can sit back and relax in our beautiful, state of the art sleep dentistry facility in South Melbourne. Our sleek architectural designed practice boasts ample natural light, scented candles and relaxing background music, as well as a dedicated recovery room fitted with comfortable furniture and calm lighting.

What is the procedure for sleep dentistry?

Sleep dentistry involves the administration of a general anaesthesia to place patients in a deep sleep-like state. This allows for completion of dental treatment without the patient feeling anxious or concerned during the procedure.

Our dedicated general anaesthesia team consists of a Specialist Anaesthetist, a registered nurse, an experienced dentist and a senior dental assistant. All have considerable experience in caring for patients with dental phobia, ensuring dental treatment is carried out efficiently and safely.

General anaesthesia is provided by a board-registered Specialist Anaesthetist who is responsible for providing the appropriate medications and monitoring during the procedure, in addition to bringing the patient back to a wakeful state at the end of treatment. General anaesthesia involves close monitoring of vital signs and protection of the airway by the Specialist Anaesthetist and registered nurse, meaning that patients receive optimal care throughout the procedure.


Who might benefit from sleep dentistry?

Someone who:

  • Experiences high anxiety about dental treatment.
  • Has suffered traumatic dental experiences in the past.
  • Requires multiple restorations/extractions or treatment in different sites across the mouth.
  • Has difficulty achieving complete numbness.
  • Has a severe or strong gag reflex.
  • Is afraid of needles in the mouth.
  • Dislikes the noises or smells associated with dental care.
  • Has difficulty keeping their mouth open for extended periods of time, has limited mouth opening or jaw problems.

What are the advantages of sleep dentistry?

Time efficiency

Sleep dentistry allows for completion of multiple different treatments within the same session providing several benefits such as less visits to the dentist and time required in the chair, fewer numbing injections and maximised comfort during treatment.


Our patients will be under the constant care and supervision of a Specialist Anaesthetist, registered nurse, senior dentist, and highly-trained dental nurse. Patient safety is at the forefront of all general anaesthesia cases.


Treatment under general anaesthesia reduces if not completely eliminates the stress and discomfort associated with long and complex dental procedures.

Speak with our team about Sleep Dentistry

Need to know

Not all practices offer all types of sedation

Patients are monitored from the time of administration to the time of discharge.


  • 1 single appointment

How long it takes

  • Oral sedation can take up to 1 hour to begin working
  • Inhalation sedation usually takes a few minutes to start working
  • IV sedation usually takes a few minutes or less to start working

You may be asked about

  • Your dental history and medical history
  • Medications you are currently taking

Before your appointment

  • You will be given specific instructions to follow depending upon the type of sedation. It is important that these instructions are followed for your safety

After your appointment

  • Inhalation sedation will usually wear off quickly with minimal after effects
  • With oral or IV sedation you will likely feel a bit drowsy after your appointment, but you will usually have little memory of the treatment
  • For oral or IV sedation you will need to have someone take you home after the appointment
  • You will not be able to drive or operate machinery for at least 12 hours after oral or IV sedation

Quick tip

Some dentists offer sedation for nervous or anxious patients. If you are feeling nervous about having dental treatment, speak to your dentist about the sedation options available to you.



